Oh, the Beauregards . I always forget which sweet potatoes are best suited for my garden and for some reason I gravitate towards the Beauregards. They are a semi sprawling sweet potato so I’ll probably have a big vine-y mess on my hands in a few months time.
Vardamans, on the other hand, are a more compact grower. That is the one that I should put in the ground but the nurseryman recommended the Beaus and I went with it.
I have to say, I was a little disappointed with the slips, they didn’t look so hot and I felt skeptical as I sunk them into the ground. Some had no green whatsoever but they did have roots so in they went. It won’t matter in the end because if the bed is at all sparse the bush beans that I interspersed among the slips will fill everything in. For good measure I sowed French marigold seeds along the perimeter. Every garden needs some pretty in my opinion.
Now let’s talk about seeds. I don’t know what’s going on with me and seeds this year. I bought four packs (weirdo cucumbers, orach, miniature chocolate bell peppers and McMahon’s Texas Bird peppers) from Seed Saver Exchange and I went nuts at Natural Gardener (wine cups, milkweed-two kinds, maximilian sunflowers and chives). Those were just the seeds mind you, I still have little plantings that need homes if I could just find a place for them.
Long story short, the garden is jumpin’ and jivin’ this season. I feel more hopeful and optimistic this year than I have in a very long time.
Meanwhile, I'm doing a pretty good job of getting rid of seeds.