My aim this gardening season is to not only expand my garden but to be able to identify everything in it, or to at least be able to identify what seeds I have planted. To this end I have started using a little pocket garden notebook religiously. And of course, maintain this blog as a journal.
Record keeping has always seemed like a laudable act but I’ve never been able to stick to it. I go in fits and spurts and have accumulated a lot of half filled journals, each dedicated to a particular year. I will have 6, 12, maybe 20 pages filled out usually with some sort of rough grid sketch scrawled with vegetable names.
This year does seem different but I probably say that every year. But honestly, this year does seem different. I have multiple media streams, the pocket notebook, the blog and photos.
They are all dated 5/2. There are two types of Milkweed - Swamp and Showy. There are Pequín Peppers. There are Miniature Chocolate Bell Peppers.
I also fed many plants a foliar seaweed fertilizer today and I can tell you which of my plants were the lucky ones because I wrote that info in my tiny notebook as well. I have to say, things are looking promising in the record keeping department.
Maybe I am too hopeful but in a week I hope to see a marked difference between the plants I fed and those I didn’t. At the very least I’ll be able to look back at my notes to see the dates and decide whether feeding contributed to happier, healthier plants.
I need to get more plant tags. And an "industrial sharpie" obviously.